'AZƏRİŞ LTD' LLC was founded in 1998 as a distribution company. The company started its activity by distributing the products produced by foreign factories in our country
'AZƏRİŞ LTD' is currently one of the leading distribution companies in the beverage sector of our country. Being a reliable partner of international companies, plants and factories, the portfolio of 'AZƏRİŞ LTD' includes 'Erdinger', 'BitBurger', 'Benediktiner', 'Hofbräuhaus', 'Weihenstephaner' , leading brands such as 'Budweiser', 'Pražačka', 'Blanche Bruxelles', 'Жигули', 'Башспирт', 'Swell', 'Sırma', 'KH Colorado', 'Organik Vodka', 'Öz Su' and others 'AZƏRİŞ LTD' as a distribution company currently sells more than 150 product ranges to more than 1500 trade points.
The number of points of sale with which we cooperate.
You can use the link below to get more information about our products.
ProductsWe encourage innovative ideas and implement them. We provide innovative and effective solutions to our customers and partners.
s a company based on the principles of equality, objectivity and respect, we believe in treating each person, employee and customer equally and fairly. We strive to protect the personal interests and individuality of each of our employees, and strive for true partnership and fairness.
We support collaboration, working together, achieving common goals and long-term partnerships. We strive to build strong, reliable and sustainable relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees.
This value represents our company's responsibility to society, the environment and people. We consider the impact of work on the environment and people's health and apply the most efficient and innovative solutions available in this direction.